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Youths burn down man's house in Ebonyi community after cleric's revelation

Mayhem in Ebonyi community as youths burn down man's house after cleric's revelation/Illustration [File photo]

Okorie frowned at the practice where people relied on unfounded revelations and superstitions to witch-hunt innocent citizens in society.

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in Ebonyi has waded into the crisis of gross human rights abuse in Agharoza, Iboko Community in the Izzi Local Government Area.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that trouble erupted in the community on Thursday when the youths allegedly set ablaze the house of their kinsman, John Ekpono.

The action followed a spiritual revelation by a clergyman, commonly known in the area as “Ubadimma”, who was in the community for a three-day crusade.

The cleric had made a revelation during the crusade that Ekpono was responsible for the community’s backwardness and other calamities befalling the area.

Convinced by the revelation, the youths went on a rampage and burned down Okpono’s house and other valuables, accusing him of being evil.

Reacting to the development in an interview with NAN, the state Coordinator of NHRC, Christopher Okorie, expressed concern that people could be so barbaric because of superstition.

Okorie frowned at the practice where people relied on unfounded revelations and superstitions to witch-hunt innocent citizens in society.

He described such acts as unlawful and urged members of the society to desist from them.

He said that it was wrong for the youths to take the law into their own hands by burning down Ekpono’s house.

“The people should stop taking the law into their hands.

“They should always report any issues of serious concern to the police, who are trained to handle such issues, professionally.

“We have met with the victim’s family and NHRC, in collaboration with some human rights-based civil society organisations in the state, have swung into action to investigate the case,” Okorie said.

He said that the commission was committed to ensuring that justice was done in the matter.


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