Sometimes, campus experience can be stressful but these five productive habits can get you going.
Yo, do you know how many of us are struggling to cope in higher institutions, just because we don't have certain habits?
People say school life is the best, but trust me, your campus experience will be super dope if you keep some habits.
Tell me, how do you eat healthy when all you live on is a sachet of noodle? Or how you address financial issues on campus when you don't even know how to save?
See, you'll soon realize that your campus experience will get a lot better when you begin to keep these five behaviours.
1. Going to bed early
Sleeping and waking up early is perhaps one of the best things you can do to yourself.
You know why, going to bed early will help you to wake up strong and start your day better.
You can have a night out whenever you want but hey, make sure you don't get carried away. Know when to call it a night and return to your hostel to prep for the next class.
2. Eat healthy
No student has access to his/her mom’s home-cooked meals once they get on campus. But this doesn't mean you should be living on junks.
Make it a habit to eat well. Why not have a meal plan to reduce your consumption of beans and garri and wait to see how productive you'll become?.
Try your best to break the habit of taking junks and always go for healthier options.
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3. Form a good study habit
You know that your admission into a higher institution has a purpose, right? That purpose can be well achieved if you form a good study habit early enough.
You can do this by going to the library regularly or any place that is quiet and free from distractions.
4. Make time to relax
While you try your best to study hard, also make time to relax.
Sometimes, stress can get the best of you when all you do is to shuttle between your hostel, lecture rooms and the library only to study.
It is important to find a balance between your school work and social life.
While your aim is to study hard and get good grades in all courses, you can also make time once in a while to go for a movie or attend a party.
Just make sure you have some fun, you'll like it.
5. Daily Exercise
Taking care of your health by working out is one of the best ways to stay productive. This apart from making you fit comes with some mental benefits.
You can start this by going to the gym (if your school or hostel has one) two or three times a week.
Try hit the gym and see how keeping fit can boost your confidence and improve your happiness.
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