Certain habits affect students academic performances, if you have any of his five habits, you need to get rid of it.
A lot of students have the desire to graduate with first class degree.
Many want to improve on their academic performance and start getting good grades in both tests and exams.
But they aren't giving proper attention to those delightful actions that affect their academic output.
Perhaps, you don't realize that, that moment you play away take a toll on your grades... in a way.
But I am sure you care about your grades and this is why this piece is put together to remind you of the habits that slowly eat up your grades.
1. Procrastination
So many students are guilty of this habit (you are guilty too). Do you remember how many times you've delayed an assignment you could have finished in one hour?
Hesitating to complete a task on a time is a very bad academic habits students need to avoid.
You can get rid of this by organizing and scheduling your school work using apps like google calendar
2. Not having enough sleep
Sleeping late is becoming a culture you know. You always want to see an episode or two of that fantastic series. After that, you go to Twitter to see who is trending and the victims of savage tweet replies.
By the time you're done, it is almost midnight and you are too weak to revise what you learn. You, therefore, wake up tired and then go for lectures with little or no enthusiasm.
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3. You'll probably not understand the lectures.
But hey, let these not affect your academic dreams, you can enjoy your movies and social media and still have your sound sleep.
3. Playing away the weekend
Your weekend is the best time for you relax, regain your strength and prepare for a new week. You can play as much as you want but you don't have to play your weekend away like a game.
Instead of devoting the whole weekend to watching matches, catching fun and spending a good time with friends, you'll do well to get a little more studious and complete some assignments.
4. Not paying attention in the class
One of the things Nigerian lecturers dislike to see in their lecture room is to see students that are not paying attention to their lectures.
This habit has earned some students their lecturer's wrath because the lecture could not understand why students would be disturbing his class while he is teaching.
5. Skipping Classes
When the bad academic habit gets to the points that you begin to skip classes, your grades will likely drop in a way you never imagine.
It may be excused to skip a class when you're very tired...just take your time and attend to yourself...go to the school clinic. But, if you deliberately skip classes, it may reflect on your grades.
Take this seriously and compare your grades to the previous ones. You'll thank me later
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